US Chapter Luncheon "Mexico: Impact of Presidential Elections on Energy Reform"Thursday, March 1, 2018 (11:30am - 1:30pm US/Central) King & Spalding LLP 1100 Louisiana St., Suite 4000 [map] Houston, TX 77002 |
Nick Panes, Senior Partner, Control Risks
Oscar Lopez Velarde, Tax Partner, Ritch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau, S.C.)
Join the US Chapter for a luncheon and overview of the current Mexican political environment and the potential implications of the results of the Mexican presidential elections on the energy reform. Although the latest deep-water offshore tender was a success and energy companies continue to invest in Mexico, the candidate currently leading the polls has voiced opposition to the energy reform and has questioned it. Some of the individuals that have chosen to join the candidate in the cabinet have voiced different opinions. There is agreement that the new president would not have the political support required to amend the constitution and undo the energy reform but he could have an impact on the current and future investments. Specialists from Mexico will discuss the current and potential issues that the presidential elections could have on energy reform to provide a deeper insight of the situation.
AIPN is an accredited sponsor approved by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE. A maximum of 1.0 MCLE credit hour will be awarded based on individual attendance for this event.
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