Japan Sub-chapter of the Asia Chapter Event "Recent Terrorism and Security Threats in the Middle East and their Implications for the Oil & Gas Industry"
7:00 - 8:15 p.m. Thursday, September 26, 2019
Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. | Hibiya Central Bldg., 2-9 Nishi-Shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
Professor Boaz Ganor
Her Excellency Yaffa Ben-Ari, Israel's Ambassador to Japan
Join AIPN's Japan Sub-chapter of the Asia Chapter for "Recent Terrorism and Security Threats in the Middle East and their Implications for the Oil & Gas Industry." The presentation will provide an assessment of the broader global counter-terrorism situation and will provide an update on the “Global War on Terror” that followed the attacks on the US in September 2001.
The speaker is expected to address the terrorism situation in the Middle East including the situation in the Persian Gulf as it relates to oil and gas companies who are invested in production bases in the Middle East or who are involved in the transportation of oil and gas from the Persian Gulf to Asia or from the Persian Gulf to Europe through the Red Sea/Suez Canal.
Israel’s ambassador to Japan, Her Excellency Yaffa Ben-Ari, will introduce Professor Ganor and also speak briefly about recent natural gas developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and opportunities for Japan’s oil and gas investors in that part of the world.
Post-seminar drinks will be held at Au Fils de Jour, Kawate BLDG, 5-8 Nishi-Shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo beginning at 8:30 p.m.
Registration is complimentary for members, non-members, and students. Please register online as space is limited. For any questions, contact Jennifer Connelly at +81 3 3224 2956 or jconnelly@orrick.com.
Special thanks to event-sponsors:
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