CIS-FSU Chapter Event "Joint Ventures: Sole-Risk Operations and Exit Scenarios"

CIS-FSU Chapter Event "Joint Ventures: Sole-Risk Operations and Exit Scenarios"

6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Friday, December 6, 2019

Morgan Lewis | Tsvetnoy Bulvar 2, Entrance B, 7th Floor, Moscow, Russia

Danil Smirnyagin, Head of Corporate and International Projects Support Division, Gazprom Neft PJSC
Sergey Dubynin, Associate General Counsel and Head of Legal Russia, Shell Exploration and Production Services (RF) B.V.
Evgeny Popov, General Counsel, Caspian Pipeline Consortium

Join the CIS-FSU Chapter for an event discussing multiparty joint ventures in Russia, with a focus on sole-risk structuring in the Russian projects and structuring a joint-venture with a future disposition or exit in mind. The presentation will be delivered by highly-experienced JV practitioners.

An early holiday networking reception will follow the presentation.  

Registration is complimentary for members, non-members, and students. Please RSVP to Alexandra Rotar by December 3 at or +7 495 212 25 15.

Special thanks to event sponsor: