Europe Chapter Hybrid Event "Natural Gas, a Transitional Energy"

5:00 - 7:00 p.m. CEST (UTC +2) Wednesday, April 24, 2024

10:00 a.m. CDT | 3:00 p.m. GMT | Timezone Converter 

ENGIE | 1 Pl. Samuel de Champlain 92340 Paris, La Défense, France

This event will be conducted in French and held both in-person and virtually via webinar. For those joining in-person, the presentation will be followed by a networking reception.

Dominique Gadelle, Vice-President Early Engagement, Gas and Low Carbon Energies Business Line, Technip Energies
Ronan Huitric, VP LNG Marketing, TotalEnergies
Jan Vermeir, Head of Sustainable Strategy & Innovation, ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales
Fabrice Noilhan, Director Marchés et Transformation, Director Gestion des Actifs Gaziers, EDF
Olivier Massol, Professor, IFP School

Join the Europe Chapter, Evolen, Association for Energy Economists, and CentraleSupelec Sustainable Energy for a hybrid event in Paris examining natural gas, a transitional energy.

In-Person Registration Fees:
Member - complimentary | Non-Member - complimentary

Virtual Registration Fees:
Member – complimentary | Non-Member – $25 

All fees are in US dollars. Apply for membership before registering and receive member rates! After completing your membership application, please email for assistance with registering.

Please register at the link to the right. Online registration will close on April 22. For those joining virtually, login details will be provided via email on April 22.

This event is co-hosted with:


Special thanks to event-sponsor: