US Chapter Event “2019 Model Farmout Agreement: A Behind the Scenes Look”

6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Wells Fargo Plaza, Executive Auditorium | Street Level, 1000 Louisiana Street, Houston, TX 77002

Jennifer Josefson, Partner, Morgan Lewis and Co-chair of AIPN 2019 AIPN Farmout Agreement
Frank Cascio, International Negotiator and Co-chair of AIPN 2019 AIPN Farmout Agreement

Join the US Chapter for a behind the scenes look at the AIPN 2019 Model Farmout Agreement.  In this presentation, the co-chairs of the newly-released 2019 Model Farmout Agreement will discuss changes to the new model form.

A networking reception will follow the presentation. Food and drink will be provided.

Attendance is complimentary for members, non-members and students.

AIPN is an accredited sponsor approved by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE. A maximum of 1.00 CLE credit hours, of which 0.00 credit hours will apply to legal ethics/professional responsibility credit will be awarded based on individual attendance.

Special thanks to event-sponsor: