AIEN-YN US Chapter Event "What's in a Name? Dealing Effectively with Pre-Contractual Documents"

AIEN-YN US Chapter Event "What's in a Name? Dealing Effectively with Pre-Contractual Documents"

12:00 - 12:50 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2025

University of Houston Law Center, Room 210  |  4170 Martin Luther King Blvd, Houston, Texas 77204

Norman Nadorff, Special Counsel, Mayer Brown LLP; Professor, University of Houston Law Center

Pre-contractual documents (i.e., LOIs MOUs) are an essential part of commerce, but potentially dangerous from a legal standpoint. Unfortunately, they are seldom discussed in law schools. Join the AIEN-YN US Chapter for an interactive dramatic lawyer-negotiator vignette performed by two UHLC students.

Attendees will then hear from Professor Nadorff as he discusses the benefits and challenges posed by precontractual documents and how they can be drafted in a way that both protects the client and furthers its commercial objectives.

Lunch will be served.

Registration is $10 for members, $20 for non-members and complimentary for students. Please register at the link to the right by March 24.