Live Webinar: "Unitization: Key Aspects to Consider in a Unitized Partnership"
8:00 a.m. CST (UTC -6) Monday, October 26, 2020
9:00 a.m. CDT* | 2:00 p.m. GMT | Timezone Converter
*Please note that daylight savings time ends on October 25 in Mexico versus November 1 in the US, hence the different timings for CST and CDT.
1.5 hours (inclusive of Q&A)
Julie Mahler, Senior Principal, Unitization, ExxonMobil Corporation
Jay Park, Managing Partner, Park Energy Law
Doug Peacock, Technical Director, GaffneyCline
Moderator: Marco Antonio Arreguín López, Consultant
Organized by the Mexico Sub-Chapter, members and non-members are invited to join this webinar on the key aspects that should be considered in a unitized partnership. Speakers will discuss the relevant issues related to the unitization of straddling fields, with a focus on voting, the effects of unitized operations on underlying grants and redeterminations.
Registration is complimentary for members and $5 for non-members. Please register at the link to the right. Details on how to access the webinar will be provided via email on October 23.
Special thanks to webinar sponsor: