Student Clubs
AIEN believes it is beneficial to encourage interest in AIEN by creating student clubs at interested universities as part of student outreach. These clubs are grass root, student organizations that serve as a springboard for future AIEN Active Members.
Download the Student Membership Benefits brochure here.
AIEN Student Clubs
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) AIEN Student Club
President: Alexia Kelly Goulart
Vice President: Júlia Gallo
VP Membership: Nathalia do Nascimento Moraes
Secretary: Matheus Moreira Bispo dos Santos
Treasurer: Guilherme Moriaki Fugiy
Marketing/Social Midia: Carolina Barbosa
Houston Christian University AIEN Student Club
President: Eduardo Miranda:
Vice-president: Jason Blades:
Treasurer: Naushad Dawoodani:
Secretary: Sincletica Dias:
Rice University AIEN Student Club
Rio de Janeiro State University AIEN Student Club
President: Rodrigo Jesus Neves de Paiva Navarro:
Vice-President: Layuni Soares Crespo Rocha:
Secretary: João Victor Vieira de Melo:
Treasurer: João Victor Lopes Madalena:
Marketing/Social Coordinator: Thayana Duque Estrada Cuntin:
Sciences Po AIEN Student Club
South Texas College of Law Houston AIEN Student Club
Texas A&M University School of Law AIEN Student Club
Texas Christian University AIEN Student Club
President: Valeria Rodriguez
Vice-President: Luan Luong
Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law AIEN Student Club
University of Aberdeen AIEN Student Club
University of Alberta AIEN Student Club
University of Calgary AIEN Student Club
University of Dundee - Centre for Energy Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) AIEN Student Club
President: Azibasuam Lilian Afagha
Vice-President: Sani Musa Ibrahim
VP Membership: Lolade Tijani
Secretary: Hussain Tijani
Treasurer: Kofi Adum Akyeampong
University of Houston Law Center AIEN Student Club
President: Carmen Patino Urdaneta:
Vice-President: Isabella Ascanio:
Vice-President - Internal: Destiny McManimie:
VP Membership: Bridget Hall-Brown:
Treasurer: Flola Tam:
University of Oklahoma College of Law AIEN Student Club
University of Texas AIEN Student Club
University of Texas at Dallas AIEN Student Club
University of Tulsa AIEN Student Club
President: Annaliese Stump
Vice-President: Anna Lackner
Secretary: Harris McGeechie
Treasurer: Gabe Goretzke
Interested in forming a student club?
To form a Club, there must be at least ten (10) AIEN Student Members at the university (multi-disciplines encouraged). The request to form a Club should include the 10 Student Members’ names, and the name of the University and be submitted to the Student Outreach Committee and the VP Education for approval. The Chair of the Student Outreach Committee or the VP Education may ask for additional information and, when satisfied with the request, will approve the Club formation. The VP Education will report its formation to the AIEN Board.
The Club should have an officer structure with at least a President and President-Elect to allow for succession planning and continuity as students progress through the Club and graduate. These officers should ideally be filled by upper classmen or graduate students. The Club will report its current roster of officers in a timely manner to the Student Outreach Committee so it can in turn be posted on the AIEN website. Each Club is encouraged to include a faculty advisor who is a Member and a member of the Education Advisory Board, who will serve as unofficial members of its Club. All members of the Club are required to have active Student Memberships with AIEN. You can apply here and if you have any questions, please email them to AIEN encourages each Club to design its own format that best suits its on-campus situation.
Upcoming Events
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- Taguig City
- Philippines
- Taguig City
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- Houston
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- United States
- 77002
- Houston
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- United States
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- Rio de Janeiro
- Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro
- Brazil
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- Houston
- TX
- United States
- 77002
- Houston
- TX
- United States
- 77002
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Live Webinar: "Accelerate Action - Women Leading the Energy Future"

Asia Chapter Event "Challenges and Opportunities in the Philippine Energy Sector"

US Chapter Event "Transformative Journeys"

2025 International Oil & Gas Contracts and Negotiations Core Course