Professor Terence Daintith is a visiting Professor at the UWA Law School. He has previously taught at the Universities of California (Berkeley), Dundee and Edinburgh, and was a research professor at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. His main research interests are in the fields of oil and gas law, regulation and constitutional law.
Professor Jacqueline Weaver is a Professor of Law at the University of Houston Law Centre. Her teaching and research interests cover oil and gas law, energy law and policy, international petroleum, and environmental and natural resources law. She has written articles on offshore safety after the Macondo disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
Miranda Taylor is the CEO of National Energy Resources Australia (NERA). She has participated in numerous task forces and ministerial panels, and has presented at international oil and gas industry events. She also facilitated APPEA's interaction with the global industry in response to the Gulf of Mexico well control integrity disaster and the Australian Montara incident.