Europe Chapter Hybrid Event "Renewable Energies Intermittency Management"

5:00 - 8:00 p.m. CEST (UTC +2) Thursday, September 19, 2024

10:00 a.m. CDT  |  7:00 p.m. GST  |  Timezone Converter

Technip Energies  |  2126 Boulevard de la Défense – Nanterre, France

This event will be conducted in French and held both in-person and virtually via webinar. For those joining in-person, a networking event will follow the presentation.

Arnout Aertgeerts, CEO, Flexity (Veolia)
Yannick Jacquemart, New Power System Frexibilities Director, Réseau de transport d'électricité (RTE)
Jessica Nguyen, Green Power Originator & Structurer, ENGIE
Fabrice Noilhan, Senior VP Markets & Transformation, Executive VP Gas Assets - EDF, Électricité de France (EDF)

Fabien Roques, Scientific Director, European Electricity Markets Professor, Université de Dauphine

Batteries, pumped-storage hydroelectricity, flexibility contracts, grid flexibility, gas…what are the solutions to manage the intermittency and what are the key perspectives? One of the biggest challenges of wind & solar pv is to manage the intermittency to meet energy security needs aside from other issues such as reliance on Critical Raw Materials (CRMS) including Rare-Earth Elements (REE). Join us for this event brought to you by our Europe Chapter and hear from expert panelists who will offer different views on how to manage intermittency.

In-Person Registration Fees:
Member - complimentary | Non-Member - complimentary

Virtual Registration Fees:
Member – complimentary | Non-Member – $25 

All fees are in US dollars. Apply for membership before registering and receive member rates! After completing your membership application, please email for assistance with registering.

Please register at the link to the right. Online registration will close on September 16. For those joining virtually, login details will be provided on this date via email.                   

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