July 22 - 24, 2025
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Click here to download the course program
Join AIEN in Kuala Lumpur for a course on natural gas!
The AIEN Gas Course: From PSC to LNG will cover legal, commercial and geopolitical aspects of natural gas development and sale. The course has been expanded, now including three days of classroom presentations and a group negotiation exercise, also including ample time for interaction with the faculty throughout the lectures. It is taught by oil and gas lawyers and commercial negotiators who have hands-on experience with each of the areas they will be teaching.
Topics that will be covered at this course:
- Global Primary Energy Supply/Demand
- Energy Outlooks: Current Policies vs Net-Zero Carbon Scenario
- Natural Gas and Renewable Energy
- The Natural Gas Value Chain (including a local perspective)
- Natural Gas Issues in Granting Instruments
- Legal and Commercial Natural Gas Aspects of Joint Operating Agreements
- Natural Gas Pricing Theory
- Legal and Commercial Aspects of Natural Gas Marketing
- LNG Industry Overview
- LNG Development Critical Success Factors
- LNG Sale & Purchase Agreements
- Group Negotiation Exercise
Course Faculty
Harry W. Sullivan, Jr., Assistant General Counsel, Kosmos Energy; Executive Professor, Texas A&M School of Law
Robert Lesnick, Senior Petroleum Advisor, The World Bank (retired)
Continuing Education Credits
AIEN is an accredited sponsor approved by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE. A maximum of 8.50 CLE credit hours, of which 0.00 credit hours will apply to ethics/professional responsibility credit, will be awarded based on individual attendance.