Latin America Regional Chapter & Universidad Externado de Colombia Breakfast Meeting

Latin America Regional Chapter & Universidad Externado de Colombia Breakfast Meeting

7:00 - 9:00 a.m. Saturday, March 24, 2018

Universidad Externado de Colombia, Departamento Derecho Minero Energético | Calle 12 N. 1-17 Este - Room G-103, Bogota, Colombia

David Juarez-Navarro, Lead Negotiator and Commercial Advisor, ExxonMobil Exploration Latin-America & Caribbean

Join the AIPN Latin America Regional Chapter and Universidad Externado de Colombia for its first of many joint events to come! The event will include a presentation on "Megaprojects Negotiation: Attributes of an Effective and Sustainable Hydrocarbon Investment Climate,” delivered by David Juarez-Navarro, ExxonMobil. 

Oil & Gas projects are often complex, capital-intensive and spanning several decades. As a consequence, an appropriate investment climate is required to attract and retain investors. This presentation will cover the five key principles that would enable project success over its entire life. 

The event will also include a breakfast networking reception.

This is a great opportunity to network with colleagues and students from Universidad Externado de Colombia!

Registration is complimentary for members and non-members, however, limited space is available. RSVP by contacting Claudia Hooker at

This event is co-hosted with: 



Special thanks to event-sponsor: