David Juarez-Navarro, Lead Negotiator and Commercial Advisor, ExxonMobil Exploration Latin-America & Caribbean
During the 20 years working for ExxonMobil in various countries with regional and global reach, has hold numerous commercial positions of responsibility related to complex multibillion investment projects. He is at present in charge of identifying and evaluating new exploration and production opportunities; leading the negotiations of agreements with prospective partners (AMI, JSBA, JOA, etc.); and discussing with Host Governments the commercial and legal framework necessary to attract private investors and develop long term win-win relationships.
Within that context, he has recently contributed to the success of the opening of Mexico to private exploration and production investors as part of the working group that collaborated with the Mexican Government to develop the Exploration & Production PSC and License model contracts that later have been executed by the bid rounds winners. He has made contributions of the same nature in other countries in Latin-America, Caribbean, Europe and Africa over the last few years.
David collaborates with the Mexican Association of Hydrocarbon Producers (AMEXHI) as member of the Finance and Resources Access committees, as well as with the AIPN where assumes amongst others, the roles of Alternate Director and member of the Executive Committee of the Mexico Sub-Chapter.